
My Happy Jar

A great idea over the Festive Season that will not only keep your kids entertained, but also helps build self-confidence and focused on the positive is the Happy Jar.

What you will need:

  • 1 x Glass Jar (plus some fun stickers
  • 5 sheets of different coloured paper (choose some nice fun, bright colours)
  • 1 x scissors


  1. Fold each A4 coloured sheet in half and in half again (press hard on the folds to create clear cutting lines).
  2. Cut on the lines to get four squares from each sheet of coloured paper (total 20 squares)
  3. Decorate the outside of the Happy jar with some fun stickers and ribbons

For 20 days ask your child to write a short sentence (I per square, one square per day) as follows:

  1. What makes me special – what makes me unique?
  2. What am I grateful for?
  3. What makes me happy?
  4. What I would like to focus on next year (to improve myself)?
  5. Who is special in my life and why?

Every day – once they have completed the square – fold in half and half again and place in their Happy Jar. Sit with your child and help them if necessary – but remember, this is about their thoughts and wishes – so try not influence their input.

At Christmas (or on a set day after the 20 day period), open the Happy Jar and go through the squares as a family. Discuss each square with your child – maybe even put a simple action plan together to achieve/develop some of the points raised.

It is important to remember this rewarding family activity is about fun and self-confidence.


  • Add or remove some of the square ‘topics’ if you want to be more relevant or even age appropriatei.e. maybe you want ‘my favourite memories of 2020’ or ‘what Covid/the lock down has taught me” etc

Posted by The Know - Pam Golding Properties