Lifestyle Sustainable sells – does your fireplace have a window?Wednesday 14th of September 2016 Some greening options might cost more up-front, but still save you money over time. Such expenditures should be seen as shares
Lifestyle New York’s ultra-luxury market coolsTuesday 30th of August 2016 New York City’s ultra-luxury real estate frenzy is coming to an end, as a construction boom aimed at buyers willing shares
Lifestyle The people who sleep in Tokyo’s net cafesMonday 22nd of August 2016 HOUSING SHORTAGES IN BIG CITIES COME WITH SERIOUS SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES Populations in major cities are constantly on the rise, leading shares
Lifestyle The rise of the home staging specialistFriday 22nd of July 2016 Most homeowners understand that it is important to keep their homes clean and free of clutter when putting it on shares
Lifestyle Green buildings boost office productivityTuesday 12th of July 2016 A recent Harvard study reveals that working in a “green office” can have a major impact on the productivity of shares
Lifestyle Will South African homeowners feel “Starbucks effect”?Tuesday 5th of July 2016 Starbucks opened its first sub-Saharan Africa store in Rosebank, Johannesburg in April this year. The launch was unexpectedly successful – shares
Lifestyle Multigenerational living. What is it & what’s feeding it?Friday 1st of July 2016 Multigenerational Living - the practice where three generations, one or more working-age adults, their children (who may also be adults), shares
Lifestyle V&A Waterfront to be home to largest art museum in AfricaFriday 17th of June 2016 The Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa is a major new cultural institution that will focus on collecting, preserving and shares
Lifestyle Shipping container housing gives way to MEKAFriday 10th of June 2016 Shipping containers have, for decades now, been used to create exciting housing solutions. Ideal in many ways, they’re strong, cuttable, shares